
Hero's Story in Five Frames: Student Field Trip -- First Snow

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Some thoughts on everyday design

Why do we have gadgets gallore that always seem to be unavailable when needed? Why do we have them when we can improvise easy substitutes?

What about the "design" of our fruits and vegetables without seeds, larger sizes, artificial colors, etc.? Interestingly, apple slicers/corers are now often too small for the "designer" super-sized apples.

Some further (rather gloomy) thoughts:
Why are so many of our everyday things designed with built-in obsolescence? Why are there ever more common items designed to be thrown away rather than to be repaired?

Worse. . .
What about the design of terrifying things? Bombs, guns, WMDs?

Friedman - The World is Flat

Daniel H. Pink -- A Whole New Mind

Donald A. Norman -- Design Principles


Friedman -- a bit flat on live tv

I heard Friedman on This Week last Sunday. He is a much better writer than he is a speaker. Even as he writes about the new communications in our flattened world, his writing and not his media appearance connects us with his ideas. In the panel discussion with other journalists, being interrupted before he could finish any of his sentences, he demonstrated the value of the "low tech" book over the high tech medium. When we think about 21st-century media covergence, we see an old debate with a new twist. Extend this to web 2.0 vs the long tradition of the printed page. I know it's a bit like comparing apples and oranges. Books are not going out of style anytime soon, at least I hope so. The value of Friedman's 473-page book over his brief and frequently interrupted turn on the tv panel is an example of how "low tech" can still outshine free-form, networked media convergence as a source of sustained content of enduring value.



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